
Francisca Dores (Porto, 1998) is a multidisciplinary author with projects in cinema, photography, performance and sound installation. Whilst studying for a Master's Degree in Cinema at the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University, she sought to explore the sensoriality of the moving image through an experimental documentary practice. She is the director, editor and director of photography of the films "How to Be a Candid Woman" (2022), "Cura" (2023) and "Nunca estive tão perto" (2023), which premiered in the National Competition of IndieLisboa 2024. She works as a freelance colourist on projects shot on 16mm film or digital. In parallel, she develops sound explorations and video art, most notably the project "Fhosfhorus", presented at Montra - Mostra de Arte Contemporânea, in Vila do Conde. She is one of the founding members of the ORCA collective (Orchestra of Robots, Computers and Loudspeakers) and an integral member of the LickSickDick collective, where she is responsible for audiovisual artistic creation. She is currently a professor in Cinema and Audiovisual, focusing on the subfields of History of Cinema, Editing and Colour Grading.


MA in Cinema | Escola das Artes, UCP
Certificate of Pedagogical Competences [CCP, ex-CAP]
BA in Audiovisual Communication Technology | ESMAD, P.Porto


XIII AIM International Congress 2024 - ESAP
Spring Seminar 2023 - Escola das Artes, UCP
XII AIM International Congress 2023 - UTAD
“A influência do Som na percepção da Imagem" Lecture - ESMAD


History of Cinema, Editing, Color Grading, Cinematography - Universidade da Beira Interior
Audiovisual Communication - Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore
3D Animation - Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore